Da li su Acesight elektronske naočare za mene

Acesight, Acesight S i Acesight VR pružaju veću vizuelnu nezavisnost za osobe sa oštrinom vida između 20/100 i 20/600 i vidnim poljem od 10 stepeni ili više.

Porodica Acesight takođe značajno poboljšava vid na blizinu za osobe sa oštećenim vidom.


For Basic Needs


Acesight can magnify everything you look at up to 16x normal size.

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For Tunnel Vision

Narrow Mode*

Zoom out to capture everything in view. The Narrow Display mode (1/4 and 1/16) can be used to shrink the image into your viewable area. The shrunken image can be moved around the display to suit your needs.

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For Low Contrast Sensitivity

High Contrast Color

High contrast color can help people with low contrast sensitivity to identify words, objects and faces more easily.

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For Blurry Vision

Outline Function

The Outline feature adds lines to edges of virtually everything in view. The thickness and contrast of outlining is adjustable.

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For Nystagmus

Floating Reading Mode

Floating reading mode lets you freeze the view, and present it as a large, stable, still image. Adjust the zoom as preferred, and move your head to pan around the image.

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For All Eye Conditions

Find Function*

The Find function makes it easier to locate things when using a higher magnification.

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*The features with asterisk are not available with Acesight S.